Law on Protection of Personal Data
İstanbul Off-Road Club Association (Data Responsible), by considering the security of our valuable users, under our responsibility for clarification under the Law of Protection of Personal Data* (“Law”) to protect fundamental rights and freedom especially the privacy of private life,
as Data Responsible and Data Processor, we are recording and storing your personal data to form service relationship, sustain service continuity, executing services and due to responsibilities arising from other laws.
Accordingly, as Data Responsible, we can including but not limited to acquire, store, update to sustain agreement relationship, re-organise, disclose to third parties as permitted by the related legislation and conditions, transfer, assign, share and process your personal data as expressed in the Law.
Personal data represent data and information that describes you including but not limited to your name-surname, address, contact number, identity number, invoice information declared to benefit from the service agreement, questions asked by the doctor, your answers, demanded processes and access information.
Your personal data can be automatically or manually, completely or partially collected during treatment and appointment, recording your information and declarations by our customer representatives when you benefit from our call centre and sending your data and documents such as identity photocopy demanded in other services.
Special quality personal data refers to data related to race, ethnicity, political thought, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, disguise and outfit, association, foundation or union membership, health, sexual life, criminal conviction and security measures and biometric and genetic data.
As a rule, our firm does not demand or process special quality personal data from users; however, due to 3rd party policies, mandatory information and data considered as special quality personal data for registration might be recorded in a limited way.
By reserving the rights under article 28 in Exceptions title of the Law, your rights under Article 11 of the Law are as follows:
- Learn whether your personal data is processed.
- Demand information if your personal data is processed.
- Learn the purpose to process your personal data and whether such data is used purposefully.
- Learn the third parties domestically or internationally that your personal data are transferred.
- Ask for correction of your personal data is processed incorrectly or incompletely; ask for deletion or destruction of your personal data under article 7 of the Law,
- Ask for informing third parties with your personal data about the changes expressed above,
- Object to any results to the detriment of you when processed data is exclusively analysed via automatic systems.
- Demand for compensations of the loss if you experience any losses due to illegal personal data processing.
We would like to inform you that the İstanbul Off-Road Club Association reserves the right to demand any expenses to comply with your demands as expressed in Article 13 of Appeal to Data Responsible part in the Law.
* Law on Protection of Personal No. 6698 entered into force on 07 April 2016 after publication on Official Gazzette No. 29677.